There Is So Much More, but it will require a transformation to reach the next level!
My name is Shawn Gwaltney
Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, my journey spans 35 years as an entrepreneur, during which I built multiple seven-figure businesses in manufacturing and real estate.
After many years of long hours, struggle, and sacrifice, I experienced a transformation. I chose to stop operating out of fear and scarcity driven by the stories we tell ourselves and decided to play the cards I was dealt as if they were the ones I always wanted.
This single event created a massive change, allowing me to achieve a level of success I never dreamed possible. Now semi-retired at 52, my passion is helping others discover the tools and clarity to break through their limiting stories, unleashing the true wealth and fulfillment waiting for each of us!
Explore Shawn's latest book coming this fall.
"Fear to Fortune" offers a unique success blueprint for achieving and creating wealth and passive income by understanding and facing the limitations that block you from reaping the amazing financial benefits of rental property investing while maintaining the security of your day job.